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End of the 8th week and 21st year


I have not even started packing and we leave for Jordan tomorrow (right now, it’s roughly 8 hours away) so this will be a quick post. We finished both our Israel and our Palestine classes this week, but our finals won’t be until after our trip to Jordan. I’ve had an interesting week, with some really good and awesome moments, some funny little stories, and a few really hard batches of time. I’m going to address a few of each.

Tuesday night was our formal talent show. The performers are all us students but the entire Jerusalem branch is invited to attend. I wrote and performed a slam-ish poem. I was one of the few if not the only performance not musically based which is already a little scary because it’s doing something different, but it was also a very raw and personal poem. I got so many compliments on it, especially the form and delivery, so I think that I’ll dabble in that style some more and take more opportunities in the future to perform my work.

One little funny story: during one of our last classes, I was extremely tired so I laid down on the floor, thinking I would just rest my eyes for a little. Next thing I know a friend of mine sitting in front of me is waking me up because I had begun to snore. Not my proudest moment, but no one else heard so no harm done.

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday (yes I just skipped/skimmed over an entire week). It was both nice and different to have my birthday here in Jerusalem be on the Sabbath, especially because I have a personal rule of no sweating on the Sabbath. I was able to have a few really in depth and thought-provoking conversations, played games with my friends, and had some amazing bonding time with my roommates. My depression was working overtime though so overall yesterday wasn’t a great day, but today more than made up for it.

I have been so blessed with great friends while here, and some of them planned today. What we did was visit the sites from the last week of Christ’s life in order. In addition to that, we each were self-assigned a site to lead a discussion of sorts with spiritual thoughts. We all wanted to have more spiritual experiences here and chose to make our own. Any words I am capable of using right now when it’s so late and I’m so tired would be inadequate, so I am planning on in the future making a separate blog post just to talk about that experience. Needless to say, today felt more like my birthday than yesterday and it was thus far my favorite day in the whole program. Most of my pictures are from today, so expect a long and full post in roughly a week after Jordan.

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