This time next week I will have been in Jerusalem for a few days already. I'm super excited to have the opportunity to attend BYU-Jerusalem this summer. I'll be gone from April 30 to mid August. Throughout the 3.5 months I'll be doing a lot of traveling, sight-seeing, and learning. Part of my studies will include an Introduction to Arabic, Ancient Near East Studies, Old and New Testament studies, and more. As a study abroad program, it is very field trip heavy and we'll be spending a week in Greece as well as a week in Jordan. Overall, I'm pumped (and almost done packing).
BYU-Idaho's semester ended just two weeks ago, and for one of my final projects I compiled some of my personal favorite poems and pictures I've written/taken into a book. While still pretty simple, I hope to edit it and polish it to the point that I can start printing it and selling it (cheaply) for anyone who is interested! It should be available come Fall this year. Feel free to contact me anytime if that's something you'd be interested in having for yourself once it's ready.
Last night, I had two amazing things happen: I saw Avengers Endgame with my family, and I watched Taylor Swift's new song/music video "Me!" premiere! What. A. Night.
That's the super quick life update for now :D