So first off, I had no idea that my hiatus with Poetica Vitae would turn in to a year+ break. A lot has happened in the world and a lot has changed in my life since I last even meant to post. So, to catch any and all of my readers up to date, here is a list of what has happened since my last post:
-I finished my time Jerusalem (Aug 2019)
-I went back to Rexburg, ID for my last semester (Sept 2019)
-I somehow miraculously graduated from BYU-Idaho with a BA in English (Dec 2019)
-I stuck around in Idaho for a few months to figure my life out (Jan 2020)
-I made the decision to get certified to teach in Texas, and thus moved back to Texas (April 2020)
-I spent the summer quarantining (with the rest of the world) and got certified (July 2020)
-I moved from Houston to Fort Worth (August 2020)
-I got hired and started teaching high school English (August 2020)
-School went from fully virtual to about 50/50 in-person & remote (September 2020)
Now you're all caught up! Kind of. Mostly.
It has been wild being back in a high school setting, especially since my high school experience was far from normal. But that is for an entirely different series of posts.
Some changes to expect from Poetica Vitae: there used to be a page for photography, but that was a small passing hobby I no longer have enough time to really indulge in. I will instead focus on the blog & poetry aspects of my site, hence those were the main motivations for the creation of Poetica Vitae.
Anyway, just wanted to take the time to start to come back to writing and posting.